Friday, July 24, 2009

A conversation about Socialized Medicine

I decided to post this Facebook conversation just as another way of starting the thinking of the American people. I didn't want to edit this for words, grammar, or punctuation becasue I wanted to preserve the honesty of this conversation. I also feel that this is form of a blog post is something new that might be of use to further display arguments and counter arguments in a compilable and easily followed linear fashion. Feedback is very much welcome.

This post begins with a Status Update I posted on Facebook which was followed by the comments in the length of 12 hours or so. I will edit this post with further comments as it becomes available.

James Skyler Phillips Socialized Health Care... the obvious answer to a completely corrupt system of Insurance companies and Drug companies. Think what would have happened without socialized K-12 education or without socialized law enforcement? Those that have money would be able to get the care they needed, while those without the adequate money would be left to fend for themselves. Socialism is humanism. Socialism is justice.

Blake Bergam

I can feel that

Niles DeVore McDonald

Pleasantly surprising coming from you James.

Billy Piepenbrink

Read some essays by Karl von Clausewitz and learn a thing or two about "absolutes" before declaring such a bold statement about politics.

James Skyler Phillips

thank you guys, and yeah im much more a Socialist than you might think Niles :) and Billy, its more for dramatic effect than reality :)

Brian Levine

Sounds good but what doctor would want to be the one stuck with the people who can't pay a lot of money? And the doctors who do end up getting stuck with the less fortunate will probably not be as motivated. Not to many people were complaining about health care when the economy was doing well, maybe we should start there before we move on to other problems.

Brian Levine

I will like Obama regardless though... don't get me wrong.

Brandon Willis

Haha Levine....

Brian Levine

I sat through this argument at my internship today... haha I felt like I needed to spread so conservative love.

James Skyler Phillips

people didn't complain as much because this past 10 months have shown that home owners and businessmen can end up on the streets completely bankrupt and broke. before the middle class started loosing their homes, there were still the impoverished that suffer on a daily basis in almost every single aspect of life that we take for granted. The ... Read moreeconomy was simply a catalyst that created more conversation on the topic. As far as doctors, IMO there would be no difference in care because everyone has the same Government health care. Doctors would be paid by taxes and all would be paid equally and justly compensated for their specialties like Brain surgeons ans such. No body would have another form of insurance and everyone would get the care they need regardless of their financial state. Especially in this kind of economy we are witnessing where people are loosing, savings, cars, businesses, retirement funds, and even homes, having health care available to you should just be another right

Brian Levine

I see all your points but that is in an ideal world... every other country who has tried some form of socializing health has seen its health care and other government programs become corrupt. For example in Italy, I know from personal experience, everyone has health care. It can take up to 6 weeks for someone to see a doctor about arthritis. But it... Read more can take a person who is willing to pay the doctor on the side a matter of minutes. Same with hospital care there. Doctors give any infection a general antibiotic because its easy and it doesn't make a difference to them. Instead of staying only one day in the hospital when properly diagnosed people stay weeks because doctors simply don't care. Giving everyone health care is a great idea, but that's all it should be right no. Look whether you like it or not money motivates, if there is not that extra incentive to work hard then all of our standard of living goes down. The rich, the middle class, and the poor.

Brian Levine

I'm all for living in a perfect world, but I don't think the world is ready to be perfect.

James Skyler Phillips

I really think that there are always cases of corruption, but for the majority of the cases people are treated fairly. Besides how can America be proud when 22,000 Americans died simply from a lack of insurance. They died becasue they didn't have insurance to see a doctor.

Brian Levine

I agree that is terrible but all I'm saying is we shouldn't jump into a socialized health care system without really thinking about it. People who have money should still have the option to pay and people who don't should have a place to go. I don't even want to think about when we get older high much our taxes going to be just paying for the war, let alone healthcare.

James Skyler Phillips

yes, if people desire to have their own healthcare they should be aloud, but think about this. Is it worse for people to be forced to have Government Health Care or is it worse for people to have no Health Care? As far as Im concerned it is much worse for people to have no Health Care. Its much worse for 1/3 of the Nation to have no health care than it is for the other 2/3 to convert to Government Health Care

As you have come to understand by reading this, I am a proponent of Socialized Medicine because with the elimination of Health Insurance comapnies and the minimization of Drug Companies' profits, our Health Care system would become something that is fundable by taxes. Teh problems with our current Socialized Medicare system is that we give senior citizens the care they need, but we also pay the Insurance and Drug Companies as much as they want.

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